Pedal Brainz | 3rd Eye CV - PINK

  • Pedal Brainz | 3rd Eye CV - PINK
  • Pedal Brainz | 3rd Eye CV - PINK
  • Pedal Brainz | 3rd Eye CV - PINK
  • Pedal Brainz | 3rd Eye CV - PINK

Available 5/16 at 9:00am Pacific

A light dependent resistor (LDR) on top of the enclosure controls the turning of virtual knobs offering: dual CV outputs, unipolar/ bipolar operation, and the ability to invert scale direction.

Whether you’re waving your hand or stomping your foot, the amount of light that reaches the LDR can affect the amount of voltage output by the 3rd Eye.

Details here:

EXP/EYE Switch: Choose between manual expression or engage the external Eye to add light-based expression control.
CV Scale Knob: Variable control of the Maximum expression value.
CV Polarity Switch (Unipolar/ Bipolar):
Unipolar: 0 to 5V or
Bipolar: -5V to +5V
CV Scale Direction Switch: Selects between Standard (STD) or Inverted (INV) voltage scaling.
CV Dual 1/8" Output Jacks: Multiple Simultaneous Control Voltage Outputs.
DC Jack: 9V DC 60ma Tip Negative, Sleeve Positive.

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